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Skilled Electricians for Industrial Assembly
Ensuring Reliable Electrical Installations


Well-trained and reliable. Industrial Electricians from amd.

Our goal as a full-service provider is to offer our customers a comprehensive solution from a single source. We leave nothing to chance. This means we not only handle the mechanical assembly but also the electrical work with qualified professionals from our team.

From control panel construction and wiring to routing and connection work – our electricians are experts who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to handle these tasks with confidence. They ensure the complete electrical installation of systems all the way to commissioning.

Internationally deployable industrial electricians.

With our comprehensive approach, we ensure seamless integration of our electricians and smooth collaboration. Even though you’re using external resources, you can rely on a well-thought-out and reliable overall package that meets your requirements. Our electricians can, of course, be deployed internationally.

At amd, we focus not only on high technical competence but also on a very precise work style. With our support, the electrical installation of your systems is guaranteed to be professional and on schedule.

The assembly of components and the complete electrical installation of systems up to commissioning are in their capable hands. We are your reliable partner, ensuring that your systems are installed and commissioned with the utmost precision and care, allowing you to focus entirely on your core business.


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Tel.: +49 (711) 49004-184